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Complain about Vodafone Modelo Albufeira

Novo Utilizador
Novo Utilizador
This afternoon at 12: 55h I arrived at the Vodafoneshop in the Modelo in Albufeira.
There was no one else in the store than one lady from Vodafone, named Sofia Coelho.
I said I wanted to write 20€ on my prepaid phone so put that 20€ on the desk but she didn't liked that.
I had to take a waiting number out of the machine from Sofia,
When I said that there was no one in the store she said: 'those are the rules'.
So I went back to get a number and back to the counter with my 20€ note.
Then she asked what I wanted, well; €20 on my prepaid number wich is: 91 744 0909.
But no, although I had stated the number correctly, she said that I had said it wrong, one number too much. So I said it again and then she could apparently type it correctly.
Al was said in a rude and unfriendly manner, so when she asked me if I wanted anything else I said 'yes; the complaint book',
But she did not came up with the book, we could talk about it, she said, but her whole attitude was so unfriendly and ridiculous from the beginning that I did not feel like talking to her anymore. It felt humiliated and for that mau service I had to pay € 0.50 cent?
Anyway, I'm glad I can put it down over here, so I can get it of my chest.




The store in question is a Vodafone agent, having the rules defined by its own administration, however the behavior indicated did not correspond to that intended for Vodafone's Portugal service.

Therefore, we have forwarded the situation internally so that this kind of service can be verified and avoided.


Regarding the rate of 50 cents, it is a charge applied on assisted loading in Vodafone Stores or Agents.


Thank You
