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Wifi Calling

Super Contribuinte
Super Contribuinte

Boa noite, sei que a vodafone foi a primeira a trazer o VoLTE a portugal, isto quando a vodafone era pioneira nas novas funcionalidades. Ora, acontece que a operadora concorrente NOS já oferece aos seus clientes o Wifi Calling que, pasme-se, teria sido bastante útil durante o dia de hoje, onde algumas redes 3G pura e simplesmente não estavam a funcionar para fazer ligações devido ao ataque à rede. A NOS já dispõe de wifi calling há pelo menos 10 meses, e penso que já está na hora da vodafone procurar disponibilizar essa opção aos seus clientes. Ou uma empresa é pioneira, ou fica para trás. Em tempos a vodafone já foi pioneira, mas nos últimos anos tem optado por uma postura do "deixa andar". Acho que este é um bom momento para a vodafone refletir e optar por voltar a ser pioneira na sua área. Deixo também o apelo para a utilização de eSIM em todos os smartwatches disponíveis (como Galaxy Watch 4).




Olá @alextho, entendemos a sua preocupação e lamentamos sinceramente que a ausência desta funcionalidade possa estar a causar-lhe inconvenientes. Infelizmente, ainda não dispomos de informações acerca do serviço de Wi-Fi Calling da Vodafone. Encorajamo-lo a manter-se atento às novidades no nosso site e nas redes sociais, onde partilharemos todas as atualizações relevantes assim que estiverem disponíveis.

Estamos comprometidos em melhorar continuamente os nossos serviços e agradecemos a sua compreensão.

Sorry for writing in English here, but your lack of WiFi Calling is becoming a deal breaker for me. It’s because I don’t have GSM coverage in all parts of my house, and I rather not install a GSM repeater when there is a much more elegant solution I was enjoying nearly ten years ago in my old home country (in the middle of Europe).

To find out about your plans, I have called your helpdesk twice and I went into your physical store. But you haven’t even educated your customer facing staff about WiFi calling! (They first think I’m asking about VoIP…)

Now I discover this thread here, and still after over two years of posts I can’t find a word from Vodafone to give me hope that WiFi calling will be available anytime soon. I believe both NOS and MEO have it, and it’s frustrating that Vodafone can’t be more open to their clients about what is going on.

Why is it taking so long to publish a launch date for WiFi calling?

Hello @daTroll,
Thank you for contacting us and we would like to inform you that at the moment we do not have the Wifi Calling service available on Vodafone.


We are sorry that this information was not made available to you in the shop. We can assure you that this is not at all the image that Vodafone wants to convey and nor is it part of the conduct of this company, where we are guided by high standards of quality, both in the provision of service and in the support provided. 

Every day, Vodafone works to improve the products and services it provides, thereby building customer loyalty and satisfaction.   
In addition, we would like to inform you that all Vodafone assistants receive training in order to provide an excellent service, with the aim of helping you with all your questions.


Any news on this subject will be given through the usual channels.


For any questions or further information, please don't hesitate to get in touch.😊
Thank you,

Thanks for the prompt response, Rosa!


Yes, I have one more question for now: when do you think you can give some more details about your future plan of rolling out WiFi calling to your clients in Portugal?

Hi @daTroll,

We can't give you an exact date at the moment, but we hope it will be soon.
We'll be happy to answer any questions you may have.

Thank you,

Hi Maria,
I'm pleased that your hope is the same as mine: soon... ‌😂‌ But I also note that this thread was started over 30 months ago, and the word "soon" is not very meaningful in this context. The first post was written in February 2022 by user ffilipe0, who is labelled as a "Super Contribuinte" and has written 81 posts here. However, the last post from this user was the post that started this thread over 30 months ago. These facts speak very loudly.
Why are you not able to guess when Vodafone will make an announcement about WiFi Calling? Is it because you have no way to contact your Product Management team and ask them for a hint? Is it because you know the Product Management team are too busy developing ring tones, the Vodafone health plan, cross-selling promotions with third parties and other ancillary business activities?
Just above, your colleague Rosa wrote "Every day, Vodafone works to improve the products and services it provides, thereby building customer loyalty and satisfaction." but it appears to me that you don't have enough staff who can put meaningful effort into making those words come true. 
But surely, you must have somebody who is responsible for the maintenance of your core business of providing telecommunications services, and keeping these services up to date with new features that become available?  Can't you call this somebody and inform them that your clients are leaving you because of your continued silence about WiFi Calling?
WiFi Calling was rolled out by other mobile phone network operators ten years ago. I will wait one more week for you to give me a guess about when your announcement about Wifi Calling can be made.