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Wifi Calling

Super Contribuinte
Super Contribuinte

Boa noite, sei que a vodafone foi a primeira a trazer o VoLTE a portugal, isto quando a vodafone era pioneira nas novas funcionalidades. Ora, acontece que a operadora concorrente NOS já oferece aos seus clientes o Wifi Calling que, pasme-se, teria sido bastante útil durante o dia de hoje, onde algumas redes 3G pura e simplesmente não estavam a funcionar para fazer ligações devido ao ataque à rede. A NOS já dispõe de wifi calling há pelo menos 10 meses, e penso que já está na hora da vodafone procurar disponibilizar essa opção aos seus clientes. Ou uma empresa é pioneira, ou fica para trás. Em tempos a vodafone já foi pioneira, mas nos últimos anos tem optado por uma postura do "deixa andar". Acho que este é um bom momento para a vodafone refletir e optar por voltar a ser pioneira na sua área. Deixo também o apelo para a utilização de eSIM em todos os smartwatches disponíveis (como Galaxy Watch 4).




Sorry Susan, but that's a standard reply which your colleagues have already given in this thread of multiple posts spanning multiple years, and it's no longer appropriate to give a boilerplate response like yours. I recognise that you want to be helpful, so here's how to be helpful: You need to escalate this issue and then come back with a word from your senior management. And you need to do so PDQ. Tell your manager that Vodafone in Portugal has not implemented a vital feature for people who want to use their mobile phones in areas where there is WiFi but no cell tower signal (my basement for example). You still make money from the calls I make, whether via GSM or WiFi so I really don't understand what is keeping you from launching this feature. You are soon 20 (twenty) whole years behind!!!!!!! 

Feliz Ano Novo 2025!

Super Contribuinte
Super Contribuinte
Honestly, at this point i don't have many hopes that Vodafone will give us that service. The ISP that once was the most innovative one in Portugal (ex: they introduced VoLTE here long before the others) since some years, seems to not care about innovation here. Even being the only without VoWifi (Meo, NOS, and even Digi has it).

Novo Utilizador
Novo Utilizador

Me neither... It's a shame because the cell tower coverage of Vodafone is very good. However, if I can't make a call from all parts of my house then I either need to install a landline or I have to get an operator that supports WiFi calling. Which operator has the second best cell tower coverage? 😉

Novo Utilizador
Novo Utilizador

I must also give kudos to Vodafone for allowing this discussion to take place in their own forum. Here we can describe to clients and prospective clients something that is not great. This level of transparency is not to be taken for granted.

Super Contribuinte
Super Contribuinte

Honestly, why?

We live in a free and democratic country. If we were insulting the operator, using "inappropriate" language, they would have every right to delete the posts, but that is not the case.

What Vodafone needs to realize is that it must pay more attention to customer feedback, and not fall behind the competition. Which is what is happening.

Novo Utilizador
Novo Utilizador

I agree, but they don't need to provide this platform where we can vent our grief with Vodafone, that's all what I meant.

Super Contribuinte
Super Contribuinte

At my mother-in-law's village house, Vodafone is by far the worst (in fact, it's the only one with terrible coverage), and at home it's simply non-existent. If we had VoWifi, we wouldn't have any problems.

Ultra Visitante
Ultra Visitante

O mesmo acontece comigo, por isso já comecei o meu processo de transição.
Vou para a concorrência mal acabe o meu período de fidelização, que é em fevereiro, a pagar quase 4 vezes menos por cada móvel.
Em janeiro já peço rescisão e ainda poupo pelo menos €60 por mês. 😉

Ultra Visitante
Ultra Visitante

You have to take the test and see which one gives you the best coverage in your home.
And you will definitely find it cheaper on these Lowcost operators, or even on the new operator.
Without mentioning names...

Novo Utilizador
Novo Utilizador

Yeah, but soon you will find that there's WiFi everywhere and Bob's your uncle! 😄 ....if your mobile network operator has WiFi calling of course....