I recently purchased a Hotspot R219Z with SIM card. Prior to this, I tried the 15 day SIM card through my mobile phone.
I don't understand how my mobile phone was able to get a faster download (minimum 30 Mbps) & upload speed than the hotspot box, which I paid an extra 50€ for. The hotspot is only providing me with around 20 Mbps. Also, I assumed that the modem would be compatible with 5G, however, it seems that it's not the case. I cannot even connect to a 4G network. I can access it through my phone, so my location is not the issue. So I really wonder, why I paid for a modem box? Is there any way to fix this? If not, I would like to return and refund the box, as I am extremely unsatisfied with this service.
I am attaching screenshots for proof. The first (faster) one is from my mobile phone, which is connected to Vodafone 4G as a roaming SIM (i.e., not from Portugal). The second (slower) one is from the hotspot/modem and SIM card which I paid 80€+ for. They are in the same spot at the same time of day.